First CW Contacts

My first CW contacts in the log.

First CW Contacts

I’ve got CW contacts in the log.

I left the house this morning planning to try my first CW operation at Chino Hills State Park (POTA park K-1139). The thought was that any POTA traffic I successfully hunted would also count as a P2P, even if I wasn’t able to complete the park activation on my end.

Instead, I arrived at the park to find the wind too strong to use the tripod for my vertical antenna and the ground too hard to use the antenna spike. After driving around for a bit looking for a suitable setup location, I gave up and drove to a nearby Regional Park to operate from.

After a few failed contacts, I was able to complete contacts with POTA Activators KJ7RPLK7MSO, and W7MTB. Thank you for the contacts, gentlemen! I appreciate you putting up with my clumsy keying!