Activating San Bernardino National Forest 8/31/24

Activating San Bernardino National Forest 8/31/24

A quick trip up to the mountains near Big Bear, CA while scouting camping spots allowed for another activation of San Bernardino National Forest US-4463. I had planned to use a throw line through the tree branches, but ended up forgetting the line and weight, leaving me to use the mast and drive-on mast support that I had thrown in the car just in case along with the Chameleon LEFS EFHW with modified linked wire.

This activation used the Yaesu 710 with the Lab599 TX-500 being used sporadically while I tested the receive capabilities of the TX-500 vs the 710.

There were a lot of groups camping and hiking in the area, so I ended up having a few conversations with passing groups who were curious about the mast and antenna that I was using. I did have another radio operator drop by to chat as well, and it sounds like he may end up hunting POTA activators from his home station.

In the end I had 17 total contacts, 16 CW and 1 SSB.