Activating Angeles National Forest 2/10/24

POTA activation at a new spot in the Angeles National Forest.

Activating Angeles National Forest 2/10/24

Over the past few months I’ve found a couple of spots in the Angeles National Forest (K-4453) that are easy to access and suitable for a drive-up activation. These particular spots also reside in the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument (K-4544) and therefore count as a “two-fer” for Parks on the Air.

Due to the recent snow in the surrounding mountains, there was quite a bit more foot traffic than usual in these spots which led to a lot of confused bystanders trying to figure out exactly what I was up to. Operating Subaru Tailgate portable is pretty comfortable with the Yaesu FT-710 attached to the Chelegance MC-750 Vertical.

I ended up with 22 contacts on this short activation, with a couple of Alaska contacts thrown in for good measure. Green markers are SSB, Red are CW.